Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My baby is 7 today!!!
Ozzie turns 7 years old today. Mike and I feel like it was just yesterday that he was a puppy. He is the best dog and we are so lucky to be blessed with a well behaved and loving dog. Since I started bedrest he has stayed by my side and kept me company while Mike works. He recently has started spending a lot of time in Lucas' bedroom. I swear he knows English and understands that his brother Lucas will be here very soon. He is going to be a great big brother. We love our baby Ozzie and I just can't believe that he is 7.
Monday, March 30, 2009
34 Weeks Pregnant
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Loving the BabyGap
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Doctors Appointment
I'm so excited our roses are starting to bloom.
33 weeks pregnant
Monday, March 23, 2009
33 Weeks Pregnant
Today we are 33 weeks pregnant and have 6 weeks of bedrest complete :) We go to the doctors tomorrow for a check-up and to discuss the ultrasound we had last Friday. I'm interested to see what our doctor will say about Lucas being 3 weeks ahead at 5 lbs. and 6 ounces :)
I am proud to say that I have watched three episodes of Star Wars. As most know Mike is a huge Star Wars fan and I was somehow convinced to decorate Lucas' room in Star Wars...I will have to post pictures for those who haven't seen his room. Since we meet 6 years ago Mike has been trying to get me to watch the Star Wars movies so he was so excited when I agreed and also did not fall asleep. I have to admit, I enjoyed the movies and am excited to watch the remaining three episodes. Oh and although I love the name Lucas...Mike was the one to come up with the name and I would bet it had a big thing to do with his love of Star Wars :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
Our Big Boy
We had our ultrasound this morning and Lucas is measuring in 3 weeks ahead at 5 lbs. 6 ounces. He looks so big and healthy. It was so exciting to see him and how big he has grown.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Doctors Appointment
Todays doctor appointment went great. Nothing has changed, my cervix and dialation is the same and Lucas looks great. They checked my fluid levels and those are normal too. We are excited because our doctor scheduled an ultrasound for Friday to measure Lucas' size (he was measuring big when we received our ultrasound in the hospital at 27 weeks). We can't wait to see Lucas and find out how big he is measuring. For the remainder of my pregnancy we are to visit the doctors office each week, so we have our next appointment a week from today. Its sad when you get excited to go to the doctors just to get out of the house and ride in the car. I don't think I can say it enough how lucky and blessed we feel to have made it so far in the pregnancy. We can't wait to meet Lucas!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
32 Weeks Pregnant
Today we reached a big milestone...32 weeks pregnant :) We go to the doctors tomorrow for a check-up so I will update and let you know how it goes.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
1 Year Wedding Anniversary
Friday, March 13, 2009
Vanessa and Julie's Shower Pics
Baby Showers

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Pink Friday
California's public schools, colleges, and universities are facing more than $11 billion in state budget cuts. These cuts are going to impact an entire generation of kids and alter public education for years to come. March 13th is the deadline for school districts to issue preliminary pink slips to California's teachers. Please join us today Friday, March 13th and Stand Up for Schools.
I am so sad that I am not there to support my friends and fellow teachers. I am thinking of everyone and wishing I was able to be there with you.
Our 2nd Trip to L&D
Well last night was very exciting to say the least. Around 5 pm I started to have contractions that were anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes apart. They lasted for about 45 minutes and then as soon as they started they stopped. At about 7 pm the contractions started up again still about 5 to 10 minutes apart. By 9pm I started to get that lower back pain and cramping so we decided we better call the doctor and head to the hospital. When we got to the hospital the contractions were about 4 to 6 minutes apart. The nurse gave me a shot of terb to stop my contractions. Luckily they immediately stopped which was such a blessing. They watched Lucas and I for about 2 hours and gave me a 2nd shot of terb. The contractions remained stopped and Lucas looked great. He was moving all around and had a strong heartbeat. They discharged us at around midnight. I am now on oral terb every 4 hours to continue to stop the contractions. The only bad thing about the terb is that it makes you really shaky and gives you bad headaches. Its almost like really bad caffeine. We are so grateful that the contractions stopped and can't wait till Monday when we are 32 weeks!!! I have say that Mike did such a great job last night. He was so supportive and calm. He held my hand the entire time. Mike is such a fantastic husband and Dad. Our one year anniversary is Sunday...I can't believe how fast the year has gone by and how many blessing we have received :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Bedrest Baby Shower

My sister Lisa and Beck (Lucas' Homeboy).

Claudia, Elise, and Katy

Rachel and our neighbor Nina

Erin, Kim, Paige, Baby Sophia, Jen, Baby Jessie, and Jenny

Vanessa (friends since high school)

Jerry, Angie, and Beck

Carol, Grandma Conkey, Cindy, and Kellie

Mike and his sister Julie

Grandpa and Grandma Conkey and Beck

Taylor and Katrina

Rachel and Vanessa

Besma, Lishelle and Lindsay

Mary, Great Grandma Steele, Melanie and Randie
Monday, March 9, 2009
31 Weeks!!!
31 weeks and 1 month of bedrest :) So excited to continue having Lucas in my belly and feeling him grow.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Doctors Appointment
I'm sorry I am a day behind in my posting. We went to the doctors yesterday and it went as well as we could have asked for. My cervix has not changed and I have not dilated anymore. Lucas' heartbeat was really strong. Our doctor was really happy and said that we did not need to come back for 2 weeks unless something changes. I am still on strict bedrest and will be till probably 36 weeks. We are just so relieved that nothing has changed and we are on our way to 31 weeks. The picture is of my 30 week belly and the best dog in the world Ozzie.
Monday, March 2, 2009
30 Weeks Today
So excited to be 30 weeks. I can't believe that it has been three weeks of hospital/bedrest already. Tomorrow we go to the doctors for a check-up so I will let everyone know how it goes...please think positive thoughts for us. Oh, and I will take a picture so you can see my big 30 week belly.
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