We love our new high chair!!! My parents were so generous and bought Lucas this beautiful high chair. It is definitely the rolls
royce of high chairs. It is chocolate brown with cream details. It reclines in 3 different positions, came with two trays, and easily rolls anywhere in our house. We
absolutely love it :) My parents have been so incredible generous with Lucas and have bought him so many great things. Let me name a few... gap clothes, bouncer, diapers, wipes,
boppy chair,
rainforest music chair, toys, blankets, books, and much more. It seems like
everytime we see them they are handing us something. Oh and they just bought Lucas his own electric toothbrush, so cute. So thanks Grandpa and Grandma
Conkey for not only loving Lucas but showering him with so many th
oughtful things that he loves.