Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ellie: 5 months

Ellie's 5 month stats:

Weight: 14 lbs. and 3 ounces (50th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (55th percentile)

Lucas' 4 month stats:

Weight: 19 lbs. and 16 ounces
Height: 27 inches

Saturday, June 16, 2012

May/June Review

Here is what we were up to in May and June...

 Hanging with our favorite cousins Beck and Lily
 Morning cartoon time in the playroom
 Ellie smiles all the time!
 Babysitting Miles and Sparks
 Loving the jumper
 Fun at the park
 Two peas in a pod
 I can sit in my Bumbo and chew on toys
 Rolling over and over and over...
Lucas loves to hold Ellie...such a good helper
 Lucas' favorite toy...Legos minifigures

Schools Out

The last 5 weeks have been very busy!  I returned to work to finish out the school year.  The 5 weeks flew by and I am so excited to be on summer vacation with my babies. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Lucas turns 3!!! Part 2

We have been blessed with the most amazing three year old!!!

 Lucas got an orange bike for his birthday. Orange is his favorite color.  He really enjoyed the balloons more then the bike.

 Tay (our neighbor) and Lucas

He tells us everyday that he is a big boy and Ellie is the baby. He shows us he is a big boy by putting on his shoes, going to the bathroom in the big boy potty and being the greatest helper/big brother. He loves to help make "dinner" as he calls every meal, especially pancakes. When you help him with something he will give you a high five and tell you "good job." He loves to play Star Men, hang out with Beck and Lily, go to Chuckie Cheese with his daddy and walk to Grams and Papas house. He is extremely loving and says the three words that are the greatest words a parent can hear..."I love you." God could not have blessed us with a more perfect son. He makes everyday the best day ever!